SKIPOGH-Kohorte, verschiedene Analysen bzgl. blutdruckrelevanten Faktoren | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève |
Blutdruck, angiogenetische Situation, Nierenfunktionsparameter und Kochsalzzufuhr bei Risikoschwangerschaften | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Promotion SH |
Regulation and role of ABCA1-mediated cholesterol transfer in the human placenta in health and disease: protecting the fetal environment and / or maintaining placental endocrine function? | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Schweizer Nationalfonds |
Steroidhormoninteraktion bei der Regulation der Kalziumausscheidung bei schwangeren und nichtschwangeren Frauen | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern |
Dissoziation des aldosteronabhängigen reversen Cholesterintransports zwischen Makrophagen und Plazenta | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe |
Frühe kardiovaskuläre Risikomarker nach Präeklampsie | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe, University of Nottingham |
Einfluss der Natriumzufuhr auf das Schwangerschaftsoutcome | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe, University of Nottingham |
Beeinträchtigte S1P-Signale bei Präeklampsie und die Regulation durch Na | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe, University of Nottingham, Labor Risch, Universität Heidelberg |
Mechanismen des Saltsensing und der maternalen Blutdruckregulation | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe, University of Nottingham, Universität Freiburg |
Genetische molekulare RAS-Analyse bei refraktären Hypertonikern | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Markus Mohaupt | Universität Bern, Universität Basel |
Development of Machine Learning-based Risk PREDIction Models to Improve Prognosis after Acute Myocardial InfarcTion in Cancer PaTients: A Swiss Modelling Study Involving 70’000 PaTients | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Suter | Universität Zürich |
Etablierung eines Registers für Patienten mit myeloproliferativen Neoplasien (MPN) in der Schweiz (MPN-Register) | Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Hämatologie | Dr. med. Ilka Rüsges-Wolter | Universitätspital Basel |
Erfassung der mittels ESD-Technik resezierten Tumoren im Gastrointestinaltrakt in den letzten 10 Jahren. Wie ist die Erfolgsrate? Welche Tumoren lassen sich mittels ESD behandeln? Komplikationsrate? | Gastroenterologie | PD Dr. med. Peter Netzer | - |
Diagnostik der Laktoseintoleranz per Biopsie-basiertem Laktase-Schnelltest im klinischen Alltag | Gastroenterologie | PD Dr. med. Peter Netzer | - |
Predictive value of ultrasonographic parameters for therapy response in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients (TRUST BEYOND - 829) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | AbbVie |
A Phase 2, Dose-finding, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Efavaleukin Alfa Induction Therapy in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis (20170104) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Amgen |
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, 52-Week Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Etrasimod in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis (APD334-301) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | ARENA |
A Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of BMS-986165 in Subjects with Moderate-to-Severe Crohn’s Disease (BMSTYK2CD-TYK2CD / IM011-023 (Lattice)) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Bristol Meyers Squibb |
Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Oral Ozanimod ad Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease (Ozanimod_RPC01-3201_Induction_MC + Ozanimod_RPC01-3203_Maintenance_MC) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Celgene |
Ozanimod Induction, Maintenance, and Open-Label Extension Studies for Crohn’s Disease Patients (Yellowstone) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Celgene |
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Arm, Placebo-Controlled Maintenance Study of Mirikizumab in Patients with Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis (I6T-MC-AMBG_Lucent 2) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Eli Lilly |
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Long-Term, Extension Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Mirikizumab in Patients with Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis (I6T-MC-AMAP_Lucent 3) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Eli Lilly |
A Phase 3, Multicenter, Ran-domized, Double-Blind, Place-bo- and Active-Controlled, Treat-Through Study to Evalu-ate the Efficacy and Safety of Mirikizumab in Patients with Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease (I6T-MC-AMAM_Vivid 1) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Eli Lilly |
A Long-Term Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety of Filgotinib in Subjects with Ulcerative Colitis (GS-US-418-3899) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Galapagos |
A long-term Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety of Filgonitib in Subjects with Ulcerative Coli-tis (Gilead GS-US-418-3899) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Gilead |
Combined Phase 3, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Studies Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Filgonitib in the Induction and Maintenance of Remission in Subject with Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease (Gilead_GS-US-419-3895_MC) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Gilead |
A Long-Term Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety of Filgonitib in Subjects with Crohn’s Disease (Gilead_GS-US-419-3896_MC_OL) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Gilead |
A Phase III, Randomized, Dou-ble-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Etrol-izumab as an Induction and Maintenance Treatment for Pa-tients with Moderately to Se-verely Active Crohn’s Disease (ETRO_144) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Hoffmann-La Roche/ Genentech |
An Open-Label Extension and Safety Monitoring Study of Patients with Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease Previously Enrolled in the Etrolizumab Phase III (ETRO_145) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Hoffmann-La Roche/ Genentech |
An Open-Label Extension and Safety Monitoring Study of Moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients Previously Enrolled in Etrolizumab Phase II/III Studies (ETRO_951) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Hoffmann-La Roche/ Genentech |
A low-interventional, prospective multi-center study to evaluate real-world clinical, biochemical and patient-reported responses to tofacitinib induction therapy in patients with moderately to severly active ulcerative colitis in Switzerland (KIC Start) | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Pfizer |
Real-world non-Interventional, prospective, observational Study to describe real-world treatment patterns in patients on vedolizumab treatment, for moderate to severe active Crohn or Ulcerative Colitis. | Gastroenterologie | Prof. Dr. med. Frank Seibold | Takeda |
Swiss HIV Cohort Study and International Agency for research on Cancer, Lyon (F) Circulating HPV16 DNA as a pre-diagnostic marker for early detection of anal (and other HPV-related) cancer in persons living with HIV | Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | PD Dr. med. Karoline Aebi-Popp | Gary Clifford |
SLC7-mediated amino acid transport across the materno-fetal barrier: association to human disease | Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Dr. med. Ruedi Moser-Hässig | Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Medizin der Universität Bern |
Revisiting the steroidogenic pathways in human placenta and primary human trophoblast cells | Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Dr. med. Ruedi Moser-Hässig | Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Medizin der Universität Bern |
Materno-fetal transport of iron: association with human gestational diseases | Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Dr. med. Ruedi Moser-Hässig | Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Medizin der Universität Bern |
Pre- versus sub-pectoral implant-based breast reconstruction after skinsparing mastectomy or nipple-sparing mastectomy (OPBC-02/ PREPEC): A pragmatic, multicenter, randomized, superiority trial | Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe | Dr. med. Thomas Fischer | Universitätsspital Basel |
Importance of exercise training therapy timing with regard to cardiotoxicity and patient preference in early breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemo-therapy (CAPRICE) | Onkologie, Hämatologie | Dr. med. Christa Baumann | Insel Gruppe |
Co-creating and testing the effectiveness of an integrated peer-to-peer self-management program for breast cancer survivors: A stepped wedge cluster randomized study (COSS-Study) | Onkologie, Hämatologie | Dr. med. Christa Baumann | Krebsliga Schweiz, Schweizer Verein für Pflegewissenschaften |
Selbstwirksamkeits-Coaching, Mammakarzinom im Frühstadium - Pilotstudie Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (SECOM-PSWE) | Onkologie, Hämatologie | Dr. med. Christa Baumann | ZeTuP, iOMEDICO |
Brolucizumab in patients insufficiently responsive to Ranibizumab and Aflibercept (2020-00412) | Ophthalmologie | Dr. med. Christof Hänsli | Berner Augenklinik |
Retrospektive Analyse von Netzhautablösungen mit Makulabeteiligung (2020-02920) | Ophthalmologie | Dr. med. Christof Hänsli | Berner Augenklinik |
Unsupervised Machine Learning in der Aktivitätsbeurteilung von Makulopathien (2021-01560) | Ophthalmologie | Dr. med. Christof Hänsli | Berner Augenklinik; PD Dr. med. Peter Maloca, Universität Basel und IOB |
Randomized, Double-Masked, Active-Controlled, Phase 3 Study of the Efficacy and Safety of High Dose Aflibercept in Patients with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration Combined Protocol & Feasibility: Study 20968 Ph III - Aflibercept High Dose VAY 865321 - in patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (20968 PULSAR Study/PXL 245919) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | BAYER AG |
Validation of Biomarker Assays for Ophthalmological Diseases (2021-02499) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | BAYER AG |
Supportive effect of intravitreal corticosteroids in neovascular AMD insufficiently responsive to anti-VEGF drugs (Real-Life Outcomes of adjunct intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant in Patients treated with anti-VEGF for Diabetic Macular Edema and Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration; 2022-00510) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Centre Ophtalmologique de la Colline, University Eye Hospital Jules Gonin, Swiss Visio Montchoisi, Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Vista Augenklinik Binningen, Pallas Klinik Olten, Stadtspital Zürich Triemli |
Response to Brolucizumab treatment-naive and pre-treated eyes diagnosed with wet AMD (2022-02305) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Dr. René-Pierre Copt, Centre Ophtalmologique du Valais; Dr. med. habil. (H) Gabor Somfai, Stadtspital Zürich Triemli; Prof. Dr. med. Chiara Maria Eandi, Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin; Dr. PD med. Aude Ambresin, Swiss Visio Montchoisi |
The role of CD163 as a marker of disease activity in neovascular AMD (2020-02483) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Hamid Ahmadieh (Deputy Director of Research, Ophthalmic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran); Ali Hafezi-Moghadam (Harvard Medical School) |
Aqueous Humor, Blood and Imaging Biomarker Study with DME, AMD AND Cataract Patients (2021-01625) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Mediators influencing vascular and retinal neurodegeneration in diabetes - a pilot study (2021-00248) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Biophysical and Functional Analysis and Characterization of Retinal Retention Approaches (2021-02498) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Aqueous Humor, Blood and Imaging Biomarker Study with DME, AMD AND Cataract Patients (2021-01625) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Efficacy and Safety of Two Different Brolucizumab 6 mg Dosing Regimens in Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration (FALCON CRTH258ADE01) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Novartis Pharmaceuticals |
Efficacy and Safety of Two Different Brolucizumab 6 mg Dosing Regimens in Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration (FALCON CRTH258ADE01) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | Novartis Pharmaceuticals |
Cytokines as Biomarkers of early neuroretinal degeneration in diabetic retinopathy (Diabetes and mediators influencing early vascular and neurodegeneration in the retina 2018-00286) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
New approach to minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (Effekt einer Zyklodialyse zusätzlich zur Trabekulektomie ab interno (Trabektom-Operation) in der Behandlung chronischer Offenwinkelglaukome (2021-01341)) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Supportive effect of intravitreal corticosteroids in neovascular AMD insufficiently responsive to anti-VEGF drugs (Real-Life Outcomes of adjunct intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant in Patients treated with anti-VEGF for Diabetic Macular Edema and Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Kammerwasser- und Glaskörperdiagnostik bei Augenerkrankungen mit möglicher entzündlicher Komponente (2019-00651) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Prospektive Kohortenstudie zum Vergleich verschiedener anti-VEGF-Therapien (2020-01847) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Cytokines as Biomarkers of early neuroretinal degeneration in diabetic retinopathy (Diabetes and mediators influencing early vascular and neurodegeneration in the retina; 2018-00286) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
New approach to minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (Effekt einer Zyklodialyse zusätzlich zur Trabekulektomie ab interno (Trabektom-Operation) in der Behandlung chronischer Offenwinkelglaukome; 2021-01341) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Kammerwasser- und Glaskörperdiagnostik bei Augenerkrankungen mit möglicher entzündlicher Komponente (2019-00651) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Prospektive Kohortenstudie zum Vergleich verschiedener anti-VEGF-Therapien (2020-01847) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Morphologische Biomarker aus der klinischen multimodalen Bildgebung und funktionelle Ergebnisse bei feuchter AMD und DME unter intravitrealer Therapie (2022-01850) | Ophthalmologie | Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg | |
Quadrizeps tendon technique ACL perpair | Orthopädie | Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Eggli | - |
Individual Trochlear TKA (Patent Application Pending) | Orthopädie | Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Eggli | - |
Invivo infection testing (Patent Application Pending) | Orthopädie | Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Eggli | - |
Clustering inflammation rezeptor (Patent Application Pending) | Orthopädie | Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Eggli | - |
Digitales Symptom Navi: Bedürfnisse von onkologischen Patientinnen und Patienten. Eine qualitative Studie. | Pflegewissenschaften | Marie Taylor, Sabin Zürcher | Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit |
Die Erfahrungen von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Leanmanagement | Pflegewissenschaften | Luzia Schmid, Sabin Zürcher | ZHAW |
Evaluation der Trauerangebote der Spezialisierten Palliative Care aus Sicht der Pflegenden und der Hinterbliebenen | Pflegewissenschaften | Raphael Muntwyler, Sabin Zürcher | Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit |
Welche Wissensquellen nutzen Pflegefachpersonen im klinischen Alltag? | Pflegewissenschaften | Sabin Zücher | Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit |
Pflege von Patientinnen und Patienen mit psychischen Krankheiten im Aktuspital | Pflegewissenschaften | Sabine Bigler | Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit |
Visqual Data: Nutzen von Routinedaten für Qualitätsmessungen | Pflegewissenschaften | Sabine Bigler | Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit |
Die Schmerzerfassung mittels Numerischer Rating Skala und Verbaler Rating Skala aus Sicht der Patientinnen und Patienten | Pflegewissenschaften | Sabine Bigler | ZHAW |
Altersgerechte Raumgestaltung im Akutspital | Pflegewissenschaften | Sabine Bigler, Sabin Zürcher | Berner Fachhochschule Health Care Communication Design |
VX20-121-103, A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of VX-121 Combination Therapy in Subjects with Cystic Fibrosis Who Are Homozygous for F508del or Heterozygous for F508del and a Gating (F/G) or Residual Function (F/RF) Mutation | Pneumologie | Dr. med. Reta Fischer Biner | Vertex Pharmaceuticals |
A Phase 3, Open-label Study Evaluating the Long-term Safety of VX-445 Combination Therapy in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis | Pneumologie | Dr. med. Reta Fischer Biner | Vertex Pharmaceuticals |
Eine randomisierte, multizentrische, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte klinische Studie der Phase III zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von intrathekal verabreichtem RO7234292 (RG6042) bei Patienten mit manifester Huntington-Krankheit | Radiologie | Dr. med. Stefan Werlen | Hoffmann-La Roche |
Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy of state of the art post-mortem imaging compared to clinical autopsy | Radiologie | Prof. Dr. med. Hanno Hoppe | Universität Bern (Rechtsmedizin und Pathologie) |
Rivaroxaban, Clarithmycin and systemic Prednisolone in treatment of early progressive deterioration in Covid-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Allgemeine Innere Medizin | Dr. med Adrian Eichenberger | |